Section 1.1 The organization shall be known as the Asian Federation of Computer Vision (AFCV).
Section 2.1 The field of interest is computer vision and the allied branches of engineering, together with the related arts and sciences; the objective is the advancement of theory and practice in the field of interest.
Section 2.2 AFCV shall organize the Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), may organize or sponsor other conferences, workshops or courses, may publish proceedings or special publications and may employ all other proper means to further its objectives.
Section 3.1 Members shall be mainly ACCV attendees working in the field of interest. Members may be anyone who belongs to scientific or professional organizations in the field of interest.
Section 4.1 AFCV shall have an Advisory Committee, an Executive Committee, and the following Officers of Executive Committee: President, Past President, Elect President, Award Committee Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 4.2 The Advisory Committee shall consist of General Chairs of past ACCVs.
Section 4.3 The Executive Committee shall consist of representatives of the Pan-Asian countries and regions. The Officers shall be elected by a procedure specified in the Bylaws.
Section 4.4 The terms of the Officers shall be nominally two years. Newly elected officers shall assume their office immediately following the close of the Executive Committee meeting at which they have been elected.
Section 5.1 The President assisted by the Elect President shall be responsible for the overall administration and leadership of AFCV. He presides at meetings of the Executive Committee.
Section 5.2 The Elect President, or in his absence, the Past President, shall act as President in case of the latter's absence.
Section 5.3 The Award Committee Chair shall be responsible for the selection of awards which AFCV will present in ACCV.
Section 5.4 The Secretary shall handle correspondence and maintain a correspondence file, and record minutes of the Executive Committee meetings.
Section 5.5 The Treasurer shall handle the financial affairs, prepare the budget, and maintain records of receipts and expenditures.
Section 6.1 The general financial policy of AFCV, including the budget of the ACCV, shall be discussed and adopted by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the execution of the general financial policy and for detailing the general policy.
The Bylaws shall provide procedures concerning the authority of representatives and officers to bind AFCV in financial affairs.
Section 7.1 The Executive Committee shall set up standing committees as deemed necessary to conduct the business of AFCV. The functions of the committees shall be described in the Bylaws.
Section 8.1 A biennial meeting of the Executive Committee of AFCV shall be held during the ACCV.
The Bylaws shall provide procedures for obtaining decisions by the Executive Committee both from the floor at a meeting and by written votes of their members in the case of a mail ballot.
Section 9.1 The ACCV will be organized biennially, unless special circumstances prevent it. The Executive Committee shall ensure that these conferences take place successively.
The Bylaws shall provide procedures concerning the organization of ACCV.
Section 10.1 Amendments to the Constitution of AFCV or its Bylaws may be initiated by members of the Executive Committee.
The Bylaws shall provide procedures to handle the amendments.
1. Introduction
These Bylaws provide detailed guidance for the supervision and management of the affairs of AFCV in accordance with the AFCV Constitution.
2. Election of Officers (See Section 4.3 of the Constitution)
2.1 The election of President, Elect President, Award Committee Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be conducted by the Executive Committee at its biennial meeting. In the event that the previous President can not act as Past President during the following term, an Acting Past President must also be elected.
2.2 The Nominating Committee will consult with members of the Executive Committee and will compile a list comprising at least one nomination for each Office. Candidates accepting nomination are required to provide their written consent and their curriculum vitae. The list of nominees and a biographical sketch of each nominee will be distributed to the Executive Committee no later than six months before the date set for the Election of Officers.
2.3 The Officers mentioned in Article 2.1 of the Bylaws shall be elected by a majority vote (more than 50 percent) of all members of the Executive Committee present at the meeting. If no candidate receives a majority on the first ballot, the candidate receiving the fewest number of votes shall be eliminated and another vote taken. The procedure is to be repeated until one candidate receives a majority vote. The election for officers shall be by written, secret ballot. If there is only one candidate for an office, the chairman may call for a voice vote; however, if there is any objection, a written, secret ballot must be taken.
2.4 If a vacancy occurs among the Officers during the first year of that committee's period of service, then the Executive Committee shall be asked to elect a replacement. If the vacancy occurs later than after one year, then the Executive Committee may appoint an individual to act in the vacant office. When the vacancy is the Presidency, the replacement will normally be the Elect President, and the vacant Elect President shall be elected by the Executive Committee.
3. Financing (See Section 6.1 of the Constitution)
3.1 Billings and receipt of all the funds shall be via the Treasurer. All funds received by the Treasurer shall be deposited in a depository approved by the President in an account requiring the signature of the Treasurer or of the President for withdrawal.
3.2 The Treasurer shall prepare the budget plan and submit it to the Executive Committee for adoption when he assumes the office.
3.3 Disbursement of funds against previously budgeted accounts may be made by the Treasurer without further approval. Disbursements of funds against not previously budgeted accounts require the approval of the President if they are in excess of $500.
3.4 The Treasurer shall prepare a biennial review of the affairs of AFCV and a report thereof shall be submitted to the Executive Committee.
3.5 The organizers of the next ACCV shall prepare the budget for this ACCV and submit it to the Executive Committee for adoption.
3.6 The Executive Committee may reserve an allowance for the financial support of the next ACCV. The ACCV organizers may, with the approval of the President and the Treasurer of AFCV, use (part of) this allowance for the organization of ACCV.
3.7 The organizers of an ACCV shall prepare their budget and set their fee structure so as to provide for compensation to AFCV for its efforts and expenses in promoting the conference. After the ACCV, the allowance provided by AFCV shall be returned to AFCV; if there is any surplus, more than sixty percent of the surplus shall be compensated to AFCV.
4. Standing Committees (See Section 7.1 of the Constitution)
4.1 The Advisory Committee shall provide assistance and guidance to the Executive Committee on topics relevant to AFCV.
4.2 The functions of the nomination committee are to select the names of candidates qualified for the offices of the Executive Committee.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least three and at most five members to serve for a term of two years. Re-election is allowed for a second term. By preference a few members from a past Executive Committee, who have no intention of serving again on the Executive Committee for the following term, shall serve in the Nominating Committee.
4.3 The Award Committee shall administer the following prizes as per the rules established by the Executive Committee: Saburo Tsuji Prize (Best Paper Award of ACCV), Songde Ma Prize (Best Application Paper Award of ACCV), Sang Uk Lee Prize (Best Student Paper Award of ACCV).
The Committee shall consist of six members, each serving for six years, two new members being elected every two years.
5. Procedures for the Executive Committee (See Section 8.1 of the Constitution)
5.1 The biennial meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held during the ACCV. Notice of agenda, time, and place shall be announced to the members not less than thirty days in advance.
5.2 Half of the number of members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the Executive Committee and at mail ballots.
5.3 The chairman has two votes, one of which may be used only to break a tie. All other members of the Executive Committee have one vote.
Except as otherwise provided for, decisions on all matters shall be by majority vote.
5.4 If a member of the Executive Committee is unable to be present at a meeting, he may designate another person, including another member of the Executive Committee, to cast a proxy vote on his behalf in some or all voting matters. Such proxies will be valid only if made in writing and signed by the member.
6. Technical Committees
6.1 The Executive Committee may establish Technical Committees to provide leadership in designated technical specialties and to further the objective of AFCV. Each Technical Committee shall have a distinct purpose and scope.
6.2 Each Technical Committee shall have a chairman, who may not simultaneously be an officer of AFCV. He is appointed by the President. Appointments are for periods of up to two years, and will terminate coincident with the biennial meeting of the Executive Committee. A committee chairman may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
6.3 The Executive Committee shall review the status of each Technical Committee at least once every two years and recommend to the Executive Committee any action involving the creation of new committees or the merging or dissolution of existing committees.
7. The Organization of ACCV (See Section 9.1 of the Constitution)
7.1 The next ACCV venue and organization plan shall be determined by the AFCV General Meeting held at banquet of current ACCV. All participants to the meeting have the voting right to approve the next ACCV plan.
7.2 The ACCV organizers shall be responsible to the Executive Committee for planning, managing, operating and evaluating ACCV.
7.3 The names of general chairman, program chairman, and local arrangements chairman should be submitted with the proposal together with two alternate names of people who may replace one of the above if these for some reason cannot carry out their duties. Any significant changes in the proposal must be approved by the Executive Committee.
7.4 Articles 3.5 through 3.7 of these Bylaws concern the financial aspects of the ACCV.
7.5 Whenever possible, publicity matters relating to the ACCV should clearly state that the conference is a conference of the AFCV. The ACCV organizers will provide the AFCV with detailed statistics about ACCV, including the list of participants and their addresses, and financial summary balance sheets.
8. Amendments (See Section 10.1 of the Constitution)
8.1 Proposals for amendments to the Constitution of AFCV or its Bylaws initiated by members of the Executive Committee shall be mailed not less than thirty days in advance of a meeting of the Executive Committee. An amendment mailed less than thirty days in advance of a meeting, or proposed during a meeting, shall only be considered after two-thirds of the members present at the Executive Committee meeting vote to put this amendment on the agenda.
8.2 Two-thirds of the votes of the members present at a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be required to approve any amendment to the Constitution or the Bylaws of AFCV.
8.3 The Constitution or the Bylaws can be amended between meetings of the Executive Committee upon petition by a majority of the Executive Committee.