Venue and Local Information
Overseas Exchange Center of Peking University, Beijing(中文名:英杰交流中心)
Yiheyuan Road 5, Haidian District, Beijing
Tel: +86-10-62751245 Zip:100871 Website:
(This conference center is very close to the east gate of Peking University.)

We recommend the following two hotels. Please book a room as earlier as possible.
- The Lakeview Hotel, Peking University, Beijing. Website:
Address: No.127, Beida Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing Tel: (86 10)82689999.
It is a 5-star hotel located in the campus of Peking University, and also very close to the west gate of Tsinghua University.
- The Zhongguanyuan Global Village, PKU. Website:
No. 126, Zhongguancun North street, Haidian District, Beijing. Tel: (86 10) 62752288.
This hotel is a 4-star, and there is a ten-minute walk from this hotel to the venue of IWRCV 2015. See the map.
When you arrive at the Beijing Capital International Airport, you can take a taxi (about 100 CNY in expense) to Peking University, or take an airport shuttle bus to Zhongguancun (which is very close to Peking University).
Visa invitation letter will be available soon.
Local Weather
Based on the weather forecast, it will snow and rain in Beijing on Nov. 21-22.
Wireless connections are IWRCV2015-1N, IWRCV2015-1N5G, IWRCV2015-2N, and IWRCV2015-2N5G with same password “iwrcv2015”. Caution: Mobile phones should turn into the silence mode.
Coffee Breaks
Coffee breaks will be held at the Room 2111, Science Building #2, which is very close to and on the left side of the workshop venue (see the following map). Fruits, cakes, and drinks will be also provided.
Lunch Break
The lunch will be provided on Nov. 21, at the Room 2111 (same with coffee breaks) for professors and Room 2133 and Room 2135 for students. See the following map.

Poster Spotlight Session
Please copy the one-minute poster slides (ppt or pdf) to one laptop at the coffee breaks in the morning and the lunch break of Nov. 21, and rename the slides with the corresponding poster number (01-18). Please check if it can open. At the poster spotlight session, please wait at a queue to give the spotlight talk in order to save time.
Poster Session
All posters should stick up on the poster boards with the corresponding number 01-18 at the lunch break of Nov. 21. At the poster session, at least one author should be available to introduce the research work. When the poster session finishes at 17:40, the author should take away the poster because all poster boards will be moved outside soon.
Volunteer students should help participants from Japan and Korea find the way to the Lakeview hotel. The banquet will start from 18:00 on Nov. 21.